Sarah Palin Says Barack Obama: Israel Is Our Friend Not Our Enemy Pal

Not since noted anti-Semite Jimmy Carter was President has our relationship with Israel been so strained. The Obama administration has been openly hostile to Israel since day one, while reaching out to our worst enemies in the Middle East.
While Obama and his minions scold Israel over the slightest of things, Iran, a nation that vows to wipe both Israel and the United States off the map, is developing nuclear weapons, and making more threats to the world. Obama has done nothing meaningful to stop this. He is impotent.
You know, speaking of Jimmy Carter, he has to be one happy guy these days. Not only is Barack Obama a bigger failure than Carter, domestically, no small feat BTW, he has also managed to turn America into a laughing stock around the world. Obama has done of this in record time too, far surpassing Jimmy Carter’s worthlessness. So, we are quite sure Carter is pleased that he will no longer be referred to as our worst President eveh.
With that said, Sarah Palin has always been a friend of Israel, and has been speaking out loudly in support of our ally. We wrote earlier that Sarah’s friendship with Israel was strong. You can read all about that, as well as comments from Caroline Glick from the Jerusalem Post, here.
Today Sarah issued a statement in support of our Jewish friends and sternly scolds Obama on his foreign policies:
Needed: A Reset with Israel The Obama Administration reaches out to some of the world’s worst regimes in the name of their engagement policy. America and our allies watch as sanctions are eased on Cuba. Letters are written to Iran’s mullahs only to see that regime start killing protestors in the streets of Tehran. Envoys are sent to North Korea as they continue to defy the world’s demand to give up their nuclear weapons.
The Burmese military junta’s representative is allowed to travel to our nation’s capital. The President’s envoy for Sudan talks about giving that genocidal regime “gold stars,” while the President shakes hands with Venezuela’s tyrannical leader. In the midst of all this embracing of enemies, where does the Obama Administration choose to escalate a minor incident into a major diplomatic confrontation? With Iran, Cuba, Sudan, North Korea or Burma? No. With our treasured ally, Israel.
Last October, Secretary of State Clinton recognized Israel’s desire for peace in the Middle East and praised Israel’s “unprecedented” concessions for agreeing to halt settlement construction in the West Bank, a concession that did NOT include halting construction of apartments for Jews in Jerusalem. Even last week after planned construction was announced, Vice President Biden still expressed “appreciation” for the “significant” steps taken by the Israeli government to address this minor issue.
Now, however, we see the Obama Administration has decided to escalate, make unilateral demands of Israel, and threaten the very foundation of the US-Israel relationship. This is quickly leading to the worst crisis in US-Israel relations in decades, and yet this did not have to happen. More importantly, it needs to stop before it spirals out of control. Vice President Biden should rein in the overheated Obama Administration rhetoric and chill the political spin masters’ fire as they visit the Sunday media shows to criticize Israel.
Once again, the Obama Administration is missing the boat on a very, very important issue. They need to go back to the basics and acknowledge Palestinian leaders have not progressed any peace process since President Obama was elected. As Israel makes concessions (and is still criticized by the Obama Administration),
Arab leaders are just sitting back waiting for the White House to further pressure Israel. The Obama Administration needs to open its eyes and recognize that it is only Iran and her terrorist allies that benefit from this manufactured Israeli controversy.
Vice President Biden was actually right when he said last week, before the construction announcement, that “one necessary precondition for progress is that the rest of the world knows…there is absolutely no space between the United States and Israel when it comes to security.” Right now, thanks to the Obama Administration, there is a chasm. It’s time for President Obama to push the reset button on our relations with our ally Israel.
-Sarah Palin
No truer words have been spoken. It is indeed time to reset our relationship with our ally, Israel, and develop reasonable foreign policy to combat our many enemies.

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