Nude Picture of Barack Obama

Can you imagine, Barack Obama, The president of USA is lying nude infront of you? Is it possible? what do you think? But yes, it's true.
In October, 2007 a nude picture of Barack Obama was published on cover of Radar Magazine.

Radar posted the cover on their website with an explanation..
“Candidates have become as manufactured as movie stars: coached on every aspect of their dress and demeanor, and supplied with perky sound-bites for spontaneous delivery on Letterman. Which is why, as we set out to plan the cover of Radar’s Politics issue, it seemed appropriate to do a little facile packaging of our own.
What better way to underline the ego, excess, and artifice that dominate modern politics than to borrow a page from Vanity Fair’s now-notorious 2006 Hollywood issue, which starred Tom Ford, Keira Knightley, and Scarlett Johansson in various states of undress?”
Though  it was a fake magazine cover, but it was published and its true.