List of Gerard Butler’s heartbreakers

Gerard Butler has revealed the names of women who have dumped him.
The actor first screamed out “Carol-Ann Nicole Clinton – b**ch!”, when comedian Jimmy Kimmel on late-night show asked the star if he had ever been dumped.
The girl had apparently ditched the ‘300′ star, during his teenage years.
“She flirted outrageously with me… always pretending that we were boyfriend/girlfriend, until I made my huge attraction to her clear – at which point she said, ‘I’m not the slightest bit interested,’ and it killed me,” the Daily Express quoted Butler as saying.
However it wasn’t the only name Butler revealed.
He added: “This girl, Julie Morrison…, was the one you’d end up round the back of the bike sheds with… I’ll never forget her walking up the stairs… and I said something to her and then I gave her a long, lingering look… and she looked at me and gave me these come-to-bed eyes.”
Caroline McLaughlin and Tracy Turner were the other names he disclosed.

Scientology helped John Travolta deal with son’s death

John Travolta has said that Scientology helped him deal with the sudden death of his teenage son Jett.
The ‘Face Off’ star’s son had passed away last year because of Kawasaki disease, a condition that strikes the lymph nodes, skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat.
“It’s something that has been very difficult, but I am getting a lot of help in dealing with it,” the Daily Telegraph quoted Travolta as saying.
He revealed that he regularly visits the church with his family.
He said: “My wife and I and my daughter – we’re all dealing with it as well as can be expected. We lean on our church heavily and they have helped us a lot.
“The nooks and crannies of it are our private situation, but we’re handling it. I think you learn that the most important thing is your family and your responsibility towards them and others.
“We’re in this as a group and all these wonderful things that we share together are not as important if we don’t take care of each other. We have to do that first and all the other stuff is icing n the cake.”

Bar Refaeli says 6-month break from DiCaprio made their relationship stronger

Supermodel Bar Refaeli has said that the six-month break from boyfriend Leonardo DiCaprio made their relationship stronger.
The model said that she is now grateful for the break as it gave her the opportunity to understand a lot of things about herself.
“I worked on myself – I grew up. I got my girlfriends back. From a very young age I have always had a boyfriend and I didn’t know what it was like to be inside my own skin,” the Mirror quoted her as saying.
“Today I know that a relationship can work only if you know you can be alone and you are not afraid. Now I’m not afraid of being alone,” she added.
In her interview with Israeli women’s -magazine L’isha, Bar – the face and body of clothing line Rampage – said that they have no plans to get married yet.
“I am not thinking about getting married,” she said. “I’m still young. And when I do get engaged I might even hide the ring. I want it to remain private,” she said.

Actress Kate Winslet is fine after Breaking up, says sister

Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet is ‘bearing up’ after her split from filmmaker husband Sam Mendes, says the star’s sister Anna.
Winslet and Mendes’ seven-year marriage came to an end at the beginning of 2010 and the two have since been at the centre of speculation that their marriage fell apart following arguments over Mendes’ friendship with English actress Rebecca Hall. reports that despite the rumours, Winslet’s family insists she is adjusting well to single life and her actress sister Anna revealed the family is regularly in touch to offer their support.
‘(She’s) bearing up. She’s fine. She rings us up. We’re a close family. We are trying to have a get-together for Easter,’ said Anna.