Rielle Hunter's "The Slut Club" Document The Slut Club: Rielle Hunter has slept with 34 men and has their names written down, presumably.

It's pretty much a given that John Edwards is bankrolling Rielle Hunter's lawsuit against Andrew Young, the enabling ex-aide who would do anything for his boss — claim love child parentage, place bendy straws in diet Sprites — until he wouldn't. Did A John Edwards Aide Tape Him Cheating?
Andrew Young may or may not have stolen the oral sex tape, that certainly is up for debate. One thing is sure, the box of trash that he stumbled upon, or broke into a house to retrieve, is the Rielle Hunter sexual jackpot of sorts, containing photographs, medical bills and "The Slut Club" document, a handwritten list of 34 men's names. Rielle Hunter Gives Relationship Advice In GQ
Wonder what those men have in common?
Oh, let's just say it: Rielle Hunter has slept with 34 men and has their names written down, right? Never married and at 45 years of age, that breaks down to 1.17 sexual partners per year (if you assume sexual maturity at 16)... Just in case you wanted to know.
Anyway, if the list is what we think it is, and the case continues on as planned, theoretically some of those men could be called to court to testify... about her moral character, about when they were together, what have you. Can you even imagine?
Ladies, do you know where your sex list is?

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