Winners of 82nd Academy Award (Oscar), you can also know

82nd Academy Awards is knocking at the door. But do you know who will win the award? Yes I know and you can also know if you want. How?
Its my own imagination. It may be true or not. But I can bet on it. I shall tell who will win, and why he/she will win. Then you will judge.
Best Picture

Nominees: Avatar, The Blind Side, District 9, An Education, The Hurt Locker, Inglourious Basterds, Precious, A Serious Man, Up, Up in the Air

Who Will Win:
The Hurt Locker

Who Should Win: Inglourious Basterds

Only three films have a legitimate chance of winning Best Picture: Avatar, The Hurt Locker, and Inglourious Basterds. But because Avatar’s mastermind, James Cameron, and Inglourious Basterds' writer/director, Quentin Tarantino, and distributor Harvey Weinstein are all hated by hordes of Academy voters, the Kathryn Bigelow-directed war drama will take home the evening’s top prize.

Best Director

James Cameron (Avatar), Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker), Quentin Tarantino (Inglourious Basterds), Lee Daniels (Precious), Jason Reitman (Up in the Air)

Who Will Win: Kathryn Bigelow

Who Should Win: Kathryn Bigelow

Why: Bigelow’s meticulous and mesmerizing work, accompanied by her Directors Guild victory, will result in history being made as the Academy finally honors its first-ever female Best Director winner.

Best Actress

Sandra Bullock (The Blind Side), Helen Mirren (The Last Station), Carey Mulligan (An Education), Gabourey Sidibe (Precious), Meryl Streep (Julie & Julia)

Who Will Win: Sandra Bullock

Who Should Win: Carey Mulligan

Why: Newbies Carey Mulligan and Gabourey Sidibe would both have had a great shot at taking home gold had they been nominated in different years; but they weren’t, and as a result, they’ll cancel each other out. Helen Mirren, on the other hand, never had a shot. She got her trophy a few years ago for her role in The Queen. Oh, and nobody saw The Last Station. So, we’re down to first-time nominee Sandra Bullock and sixteen-time nominee and two-time winner Meryl Streep. In the closest race of the evening, Sandra will edge out Meryl for two reasons: she’ll probably never receive another nom, and Meryl will be back in the mix again next year.

Best Actor

Nominees: Jeff Bridges (Crazy Heart), George Clooney (Up in the Air), Colin Firth (A Single Man), Morgan Freeman (Invictus), Jeremy Renner (The Hurt Locker)

Who Will Win:
Jeff Bridges

Who Should Win:
Colin Firth

Why: Despite Firth's heartbreaking performance and Clooney’s award-worthy work, Bridges will have to make room on his crowded mantle for his very first Oscar. Voters love him; he’s won every major award leading up to Sunday; and with four previous noms, everyone feels that it’s simply his turn to take home the trophy.
Best Supporting Actress

Nominees: Penelope Cruz (Nine), Vera Farmiga (Up in the Air), Maggie Gyllenhaal (Crazy Heart), Anna Kendrick (Up in the Air), Mo’Nique (Precious)

Who Will Win: Mo’Nique

Who Should Win: Mo’Nique

With Vera Farmiga and Anna Kendrick splitting the vote and Penelope Cruz out of contention, it comes down to first-time nominee Maggie Gyllenhaal and fellow newcomer Mo'Nique. While a few critics think Mo’Nique’s polarizing personality could hurt her chances coming down the home stretch, there's really no doubt in my mind that she’ll emerge victorious and deliver a mag'nifique acceptance speech come Sunday.

Best Supporting Actor

Matt Damon (Invictus), Woody Harrelson (The Messenger), Christopher Plummer (The Last Station), Stanley Tucci (The Lovely Bones), Christoph Waltz (Inglourious Basterds)

Who Will Win:
Christoph Waltz

Who Should Win:
Christoph Waltz

Why: Let's be honest: Christoph Waltz gave one of the best supporting performances in recent memory. And with minimal competition from his fellow nominees, the 53-year-old Austrian actor will easily waltz away with his first, much-deserved Oscar.

Best Original Screenplay

Nominess: The Hurt Locker (Mark Boal), Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino), The Messenger (Alessandro Camon and Oren Moverman), A Serious Man (Joel Coen and Ethan Coen), Up (Bob Peterson and Pete Docter)

Who Will Win:
The Hurt Locker

Who Should Win: Inglourious Basterds

Why: Basterds could give Locker a run for its money, but Mark Boal will triumph over Quentin Tarantino and the equally deserving Coen brothers. Best Pic nominee Up doesn’t have a shot; and The Messenger’s nomination was a victory in and of itself.

Best Adapted Screenplay

District 9 (Neill Blomkamp and Terri Tatchell), An Education (Nick Hornby), In the Loop (Jesse Armstrong, Simon Blackwell, Armando Iannucci, Tony Roche), Precious (Geoffrey Fletcher), Up in the Air (Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner)

Who Will Win:
Up in the Air

Who Should Win:
An Education

Why: In an effort to prevent Up in the Air from being shut out on Oscar night (which could very well happen), Academy voters will likely award Jason Reitman and Sheldon Turner for their timely script … unless they hand they statue to Nick Hornby, prohibiting An Education from also going home empty-handed.

Best Animated Feature

Nominess: Coraline, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Princess and the Frog, The Secret of Kells, Up

Who Will Win:

Who Should Win: Fantastic Mr. Fox

Why: Not only is Up a fan favorite, a critical darling, and a box-office behemoth, it’s also only the second animated film in history to be up for Best Picture. As a result, it’s guaranteed to topple the four other films, giving Pixar its third consecutive win in the category, following in the footsteps of WALL-E and Ratatouille.

Best Documentary Feature

Nominess: Burma VJ; The Cove; Food, Inc.; The Most Dangerous Man in America; Which Way Home

Who Will Win:
The Cove

Who Should Win: Food, Inc.

Why: Despite the fact that Food, Inc. was the most fascinating film of 2009, bet on The Cove to bag the Oscar. The tragic dolphin-hunting doc has swept the pre-Oscar soirees, and its producers have been campaigning harder than just about everyone in Hollywood, except for Harvey Weinstein and that guy who tried to trash Avatar’s Best Pic chances.

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