Lady Gaga thought she’d die of cocaine binge

Lady Gaga has confessed that she was so addicted to cocaine and LSD that she felt she would die of it.
The ‘Poker Face’ hitmaker said that she did “bags and bags” of cocaine, getting inspired by rock stars.
“I thought I was gonna die. I wanted to BE the artists I loved, like Mick Jagger and Andy Warhol - and I thought the only way to do it was to live the lifestyle,” the News of the World quoted her as saying in a new biography.
She added: “My cocaine soundtrack was always the Cure. I would lock myself in my room and listen to Never Enough on repeat while I did bags and bags of cocaine.
“It was about being an artist. I wasn’t a lazy addict. I would make demo tapes and send them around. At the time I didn’t think there was anything wrong with me, until my friends said, ‘Are you doing this alone?’ Um, yes. Me and my mirror.”
However, the singer wanted to fulfill her dead aunts’ dream, which pushed her to quit drugs.
She said: “But then I realised my father’s sister Joanne, who’d died at 19, had instilled her spirit in me. She was a painter and a poet - and I had a spiritual vision I had to finish her business.”
Lady Gaga won two Grammys last week.

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