Tiger Woods’ whereabouts aren’t really important

Tiger Woods is one of the most recognized celebrities in the world, but over the past few weeks, he has all but fallen off the face of the earth. Recent revelations about extra-martial affairs has sent the world’s greatest golfer into hiding, and has brought some of the creepiest gold-diggers crawling from out of the woodworks.

There’s no doubt that Tiger’s kingdom is crumbling down around him. But, after 13 years and 14 major golf championships, do his indiscretions make him any less of a golfer? And as heir apparent to becoming the greatest golfer of all time, are his athletic accomplishments any less credible?

Tiger Woods is a public figure and a bona-fide A-list celebrity. Because of that status, every aspect of his life is scrutinized. Paparazzi from all over the world are chasing every credible lead to Tigers’ whereabouts, eager to cash in on that one photo worth $400,000. The market bears such a hefty price because seemingly everyone wants to hear his side of the story. Have we all forgotten that Tiger Woods is a human being? A man with feelings, who is undoubtedly ashamed about the blemish on his public image, but who also has to struggle with repairing his private life in front of the entire world.

Tigers’ six year marriage to Elin Nordegren may very well be over, but he deserves every opportunity to salvage what may be left of it in private. Where he may be hiding is not nearly as important as what he is doing to heal the wounds of love and trust that have been broken during this very public embarrassment. He owes that to himself, and to his family.

His PR people can handle how his image is viewed by the rest of the world.

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